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Mandy McbeanOffline

    • Day 12 is under way! Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there. This day is a really hard day for some people so I try to be respectful and I pray for all the women out there who have lost their moms, lost their children, can’t get pregnant, lost pregnancies, etc.

      I’m blessed to be able to spend time with my daughter today, but my son i…Read More

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    • Day 11 was a wonderful day! Was up early and started my day with gratitude, meditation and reading. Then we headed to Home Depot by 7am to get potting soil and a new Traeger for my hubby! Planted my garden and a lot more! Feeling so grateful today and each day that passes! I am so blessed!

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    • Happy Friday!! Day 10 underway! Have an amazing day!!! 🙌🏼💜

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    • Another beautiful night and a wonderful walk with my pup. He was waiting at his basket when I got home. ❤️🐾

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    • What a beautiful day for our walk. Tank loves our evening walks. ❤️ 🐾

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