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Sue HailstoneOffline

    • Happy Easter everyone! What a glorious day! My day was quiet with my husband leaving town, but we enjoyed church together and a nice lunch before he left. Not much temptation for candy this Easter!😍

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    • Today was a re-feed day for me. We were going with friends on a Jeep ride and I decided to not worry about tracking, but to choose carefully when eating out for lunch and dinner. I did shoot for high protein choices along with salad, but I did enjoy a treat as well. It was a fun day and an early birthday celebration for my husband with good…Read More

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    • Thanks to everyone in the group for helping me stay accountable! I would have given in today if not knowing I was reporting to everyone. I had my meals all planned out and then ended up meeting my husband for lunch. I thought about just estimating, but then I remembered how far off I was the last time we ate out. I chose wisely and…Read More

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      • Good job! Glad you got to enjoy lunch with your husband. 🙂 You all help keep me accountable as well. I’m so thankful for this group.

      • Wow incredible! Looks amazing

      • Excellent! Look at you go! Folks seem to think that tracking is a drag, a chore, an anchor… I feel that it opens up opportunities to fit in yummy treats — like popcorn — 100% guilt free. FUN LIFE without sacrificing HEALTH. NICE.

    • Sundays are harder, but I stuck with my plan even when my husband had icecream!

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    • I thought I was doing good today when we went out for lunch. I ordered chicken fajitas with salad instead of rice and beans. When I got home and entered all of the ingredients I was WAY over on carbs, fat and calories. I split the meal in half for lunch and dinner, and thought I was doing good until I just put it in My
      Fitness Pal. I was…Read More

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      • Sometimes you have to go by how you feel too. Depending on if you feel later on after eating them maybe the estimate was wrong. It’s happened to me a few times where I was starvinnng and then you can go back and look to see if maybe it’s track wrong compared to other fajita recipes

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