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Louisa RiuttaOffline

    • Beautiful morning everyone! Headed to the gym and on my walk before temps hit the 80s!
      I hope everyone has a wonderful day! You’ll crush it, and I’m rooting for you!

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    • Today is good!!

      Question for the ones saying they “failed” the last round(s) of 30 Day Strong. What do you classify as failing? Is it not completing every task, every day? Or what is it. I’m wondering what you guys think of it as. Thanks in advance and happy Sunday from the desert!

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      • Just my opinion here the creator of the challenge may disagree….If your goal is to complete all the tasks and you do not complete all the tasks of the day, you failed. HOWEVER, this does not make YOU a failure. It means you GET TO explore ways to be more successful with the challenge and your goals for the next day. My approach is always to…Read More

      • I think “failing” this challenge is giving up. If you miss the water one day (like I did today) or the shower, you didn’t complete the tasks today so I guess you failed the day. But if you start right back up again then you aren’t failing in an overall sense. You are being challenged every day and sometimes you miss. But you record the things…Read More

    • Switching my readings to James Clear!

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    • Getting some of my walk in with the nanny kids!

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    • Needing some encouragement.. feeling really low with that time of the month on my side. Everything feels harder to do and I need some help from my community.

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      • Louisa, you got this girl! Take a deep breath and complete one task at a time. Focus on the moments and wins in your day.

      • Hey Louisa, just take moments throughout your day to breathe and think of the small things in life that you are grateful for. Not every day is going to be easy, but push through and remember, this too shall pass. You got this and keep us updated as you complete your tasks throughout the day. We will cheer you on!

      • You absolutely are capable!! I am working on remembering how accomplished and encouraged I will feel after I complete what I said I would (this is absolutely how I got my cold shower done last night)

      • You got this. Start by working on the brain, positivity and gratitude

      • Taking a moment outside to just breath makes all the difference in the world. Just taking a moment for yourself in a world where eveyrone wants something from you can make a huge impact on your mental health.

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