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Louisa RiuttaOffline

    • Indy Clementine♥️
      Will try to get everything in except for my walk as my schedule is packed today. We’ll try better tomorrow.

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    • Baby girl born just a little while ago!! Today was long, and so ready to meditate and head to bed. Goodnight everyone!

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    • Day 13 is a wrap! Been doing great with these commitments, and everything is going great, just need to work on my nutrition. Will be welcoming a new sibling sometime this week hopefully, so will keep you posted on that! Let’s embrace tomorrow and wake up with gratitude. Goodnight and proud of you all!!

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    • Happy Sunday and happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers out there!!
      Just finished my walk and now at the gym. Let’s crush this week!

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    • Today was a rough one. Messed up my nutrition and felt everything falling off. Going to work harder tomorrow, as it’s a new day and a new chance to do better. Who else will be seeing the Aurora tonight?

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      1 Comment
      • We are staying up and hoping to see it! We missed it last night and won’t miss it again.

        Also, just get back on your feet tomorrow. Don’t let today discourage you. You got this!

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