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Mandy BrooksOffline

    • Yesterday started out well, then the wind and rain started. My area was hit hard, I’m not clear of there was a tornado or if it was straight line wind. My apartment wasn’t badly damaged, just a small roof leak so I’m grateful for that. Most of my to do’s didn’t get done but I’m very grateful today.

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      • Glad everything is OK. Some days are like that, we don’t get all the things done, but we are reminded of the really big important things in life.

      • We are glad to hear that you are alright! Also, way to look on the bright side and practice gratitude

    • I didn’t walk yesterday but this is where I stopped to rest 85 minutes into my walk today. Now it’s just 3.77 miles back to my car.

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      • This is absolutely beautiful! One thing I love about the walk is getting to see some gorgeous scenary and often.

    • I missed the mark on a couple of things but I spent the day with my grandkids and daughters. We all had a good time together with a lot of laughter and ended the evening with all 5 of us on the couch with fuzzy blankets watching a movie before bed. The kids are leaving in the morning so I’m soaking up every minute with them. Back on track tomorrow.

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    • I did a lot of indoor walking today at an aquarium and Legoland. I wasn’t sure how hat I was going to get an outdoor walk in but we went to the park so I could get in 30 minutes outside while the kids were on the playground. Now I’m struggling to get in the water and I’ll probably be in the bathroom all night but you do what you’ve gotta do

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    • I’m working to finish day 24 before the kids get here and everything goes out the window. We walked almost 90 minutes today and all I have left is reading, meditation, and 16 ounces of water.

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