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Mandy BrooksOffline

    • Finishing up day 17, I started with coffee and the cold shower. I’m almost finished with my water and I will be meditating outside in the sun shortly enjoying springtime in Dallas.

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    • I am finishing up day 17. Getting back into a rhythm finally after bringing my youngest home for the summer.

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    • Finishing up day 16. I had made the decision earlier today to not walk outside because of a heavy storm, but it passed so off I went to get in my walk with Dani. I am so glad that I got the walk in, it really helps clear my head after a long day, even if I am listening to my child plot to catch snakes to keep as pets.

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    • Finishing up day 15. My kid holds me accountable to the walks in the evening. I’ll getting used to finishing my showers cold every morning and meditating at night before bed. I walked around the office park where I work for a bit this afternoon then came home and walked more at the park down the street.

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    • Day 14 – another snake on my walk, my kid wanted to bring it home and name it Danger Noodle 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

      We’re 2 weeks in and I’ve had a couple of shortfalls but I pick myself up and keep going.

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