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Kristi WendricksOffline

    • Profile picture of Kristi Wendricks

      Kristi Wendricks

      3 months ago

      Some people have really deep profound ‘why’s’. I often thought mine needed to be that as well. Here’s the thing though, it doesn’t have to be. Mine is pretty simple and also a little vein. I want to look good and do fun things for a very very long time. I’ll be 46 tomorrow. Could I look better in a swim suit, absolutely. Am I going to dial it all in so I do and feel more confident, absolutely. Am I having fun, absolutely. My 17 year old son told his buddy today.. hey you gotta watch my Mom wakesurf, she’s really good. That felt amazing and to be able to do fun things is my why. Happy July and here’s to doing fun stuff.

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