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Kristi WendricksOffline

    • My travel buddy for the next few days works out too so I love traveling with him. Plus he’s a great person 🙂 found a gym near where we are staying. Nice gym, lots of equipment but apparently they don’t care about wiping the equipment down because it was hard to find the wipes or spray. I did find some but I didn’t see a single soul anything down.

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    • Spent another gorgeous day outside. Had a lovely walk and enjoyed all my flowers that are blooming. Traveling this week with a very early flight Monday. Hope everyone had a wonderful day!

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    • I spent so much time outside today, worked in the yard. I love gardening and it was such a boost for me physically and mentally to spend time outside. I had about 19,000 steps in today. My cold shower was colder than it was yesterday. I’m making it a little colder each day. I hope everyone was able to do something they love today.

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    • My beagle June took me for a walk today. I’m at over 15,000 steps for the day. It was so sunny and beautiful today. I didn’t exactly take a “cold” shower today but it was cold for me. This is the hardest thing for me. I like to look like piglet when I get out if the shower so… ya this is difficult. However, being unable to move is hard, being unh…Read More

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    • This new challenge couldn’t have come at a better time. I have a ton of travel for work and busy things in my personal life coming up, so this is a good way to keep me on track and doing the things that make me feel good. I was traveling for work this week for a few days, feels good to be home today. I love the group I traveled with this week,…Read More

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