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Kristi WendricksOffline

    • What’s your protein snack? I do cottage cheese and Greek yogurt looking for some more ideas.

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    • Sometimes walking with June is just lovely, sometimes it’s dragging her because she wants to do beagle things the whole time. That was today. So I guess it’s good that I’ve got some good arm strength to drag her along. Today was also the last day of junior year school for my son. It’s been a rough year, I’m grateful he made it through, I’m proud…Read More

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    • Meal prepped tonight some chicken and rice. All weighted out exactly the same. , 4oz chicken and 130g rice. Then all I need to do when I’m ready to eat is add seasoning and a veggie. I also have overnight oats in the frig. I add protein powder to that after I heat it in the morning.

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    • With all the rain we’ve had the last 2 days I haven’t been able to be outside at all. It was pretty warm and sunny this afternoon so I had planned on going for a walk after work… and then just about the time I finished work it started pouring and hasn’t really let up. I’m over the rain, we need to dry out for a while 🙂 my nutrition part of the ch…Read More

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    • Fun day today. My niece graduated HS. Then spent some time outside, yard work, which for me isn’t really work. I like it. Our pool is open so my son and his friend were here swimming.

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