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Kristi WendricksOffline

    • With all the rain we’ve had the last 2 days I haven’t been able to be outside at all. It was pretty warm and sunny this afternoon so I had planned on going for a walk after work… and then just about the time I finished work it started pouring and hasn’t really let up. I’m over the rain, we need to dry out for a while 🙂 my nutrition part of the ch…Read More

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    • Fun day today. My niece graduated HS. Then spent some time outside, yard work, which for me isn’t really work. I like it. Our pool is open so my son and his friend were here swimming.

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    • Great walk this afternoon. Lots of babies born in our ‘neighborhood’ lately. They were all out and looking so cute. Nice evening visiting with friends at my nieces grad party too.

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    • Lovely lunch time walk. Im definitely a summer person, I love the heat and sun and being out in it. So many of these daily tasks for the 30 day challenge aren’t tasks anymore. They’re just a thing I do without thinking about it. Walking is definitely something I do when it’s nice out. This last winter I did force myself to go even when it was c…Read More

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      • This is what we like to hear! We want these habits to stick far beyond that challenge. We’ve loved following your posts during this challenge Krisit! We hope to see you in part 2.

      • So proud of you! LETS GO PART 2

    • Nice walk at lunch. Busy weekend coming up. My daughter is coming home tomorrow for the weekend. My niece has HS graduation and her grad party. I’m low on water for today and I’ve got the headache to prove it. So I’m trying to catch up this evening.

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