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Key CollectiveOffline

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      Key Collective

      5 months, 1 week ago

      We have decided to run a fun and simple challenge in spirit of Halloween.🎃 Our ‘1 Treat Challenge’ starts tomorrow, October 15th! For this challenge, you will enjoy one, and only one, fun-size candy each day for the rest of October. The goal is to help us build a healthier relationship with food while understanding the importance of enjoying our favorite treats in moderation. This challenge shows that dieting doesn’t have to be all or nothing, and one small treat won’t derail our progress.

      Challenge Requirements:
      1) Eat 1 and only 1 fun sized candy per day. (or a 90 calorie or less treat)
      2) Post your experience here each day of the challenge (what you ate, was it hard to just have 1, etc…)
      3) Submit the quiz each day to gain points.

      More detailed instructions are available in the Challenge Overview located within the challenge page below.

      Treat Challenge

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