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Key CollectiveOffline

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      Key Collective

      1 month, 4 weeks ago

      Let’s get to know each other! Anyone that is doing the challenge, please introduce yourself and what you hope to accomplish from this challenge.

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      • Hi! My name is Kellie and I live in Southern California. I am looking forward to this challenge making sure I’m at least walking on the days that I don’t work out. If it is an off day I tend to take it totally off. From doing anything. 😬 So this will make sure I’m moving my body even if it is a day of rest from a workout. And the protein component is great because once I started really tracking my food I found I eat no where near enough protein.

      • My name is Lori and I am also in Southern California. I want to accomplish being consistent with my walking and protein during the challenge.

      • Hi everyone! My name is Rafe and I live in Beaverton, Oregon (just outside of Portland) and am originally from South Dakota. I am excited to stack this challenge on top of my other goals to be able to get healthier and keep up with my wife and girls!

      • Craig here! I’m focused on getting that protein goal prioritized. The steps won’t be a struggle but the tracking is my kryptonite.

      • I’m Alyssa, and I’m hoping to keep dialed in on my fitness goals as my family transitions from summer to heading back to school. Paying attention to protein and movement will hopefully be a simple way to keep everything from completely falling apart. I’m not always great with transitions so this challenge came at the perfect time.

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