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Kayla JohnsonOffline

    • I listened to Brad’s latest podcast and ordered some Kreatures of habit oatmeal. I’ve been eating protein oatmeal every morning since January, but I definitely prefer 30 grams of protein compared to 10. I’ll let you know if it tastes good:)

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      • I was just listening to that podcast this morning too! I’m excited to hear how they taste!

    • I stuck to my protein goals and calorie goals even though we went out of town for a few days. My husband was supportive of me packing a cooler, grill and blender 😜 Even with following a calorie deficit, I still was able to enjoy some pizza and a small treat without feeling terrible for overeating afterwards. I feel hope that I can make some real…Read More

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    • Today is my birthday! I’m excited this year to give myself the gift of health-I’m going to spend the next three days snowboarding:) My goal is 1800 calories, 146g protein, 180 g carbs and 55g of fat. Is it alright if I do a paper record? I find I’m more motivated to record stuff if I can write it out.

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    • Hi, Kayla here and I’m excited to be apart of the collective. I live in Las Vegas and I am a stay at home parent to two great kids, one of which requires 24/7 care. That has led to weight gain over the last few years and buffering with food. Recently, we decided to admit her to a live in care facility. It’s been a rough transition, but the las…Read More

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      • Thank you for sharing Kayla! That sounds like a challenging situation and we hope for the best. If we take the time prioritize ourselves, we can show up better for those around us. Keep up the good work, let’s make 2024 your year!