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Kate HinckleyOffline

    • Profile picture of Kate Hinckley

      Kate Hinckley posted in the group Calorie Deficit Challenge

      6 months, 3 weeks ago

      I’m doing so great during the week. I lose my 1 pound and then gain it back over the weekend. What do you guys do with cravings over the weekend?!

      • I like to do a mini fast almost. I’ll have my protein shake in the morning and save some calories for the evening when we’ll be out with friends or out to dinner. You sure you’re gaining the weight back over the 2 days though? It could be some water retention from salty things. I weighed myself this morning and was up 2 lbs but I know I didn’t eat 6,000 calories over maintenance in two days 🤪

        • Yes! If you look at your salt content it might explain. If you didn’t go over your calories or even if you went over a little bit you should see a drop in a few days. Keep your water up!

          I actually like experimenting sometimes. Specially when I do a refeed I will usually be heavier the following day but I’ll hit my lowest number in a scale a few days following. Calories are fuel!

      • I always make protein a priority. I make sure and eat breakfast and I still have what I crave but I put it in my macros at the beginning of the day so I can work my other macros around it!

      • I’m filming a long content video all about this next week!