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Jeff HeaneyOffline

    • Day 4
      My 30 mins was 1 1/2 hrs of ball smashing dingers and playing out field no standing around for this guy
      i did my gratitude journal this morning but another thing i am grateful for is the surprise visit i got to have with my boy. Love that kid to pieces.

      Lets goooo

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    • Day 2 Complete
      Today was beach volleyball in the mucky sand. Rain day here. we play rain or shine and only lightning can cancel our games.
      i should have taken pictures but i totally forgot. i rushed home to clean the sand off.
      I completed Day 1 yesterday just late and didn’t post.

      Excited for this one, the nutrition will be the hard one…Read More

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    • Day 30 Complete

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    • Day 30 walk

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    • Day 30 🙌
      Wow, I woke up today feeling empowered and excited. Not because it was the final day of the challenge but because I built and was committed to these habits. I can’t say new as I have done them before but never consistent with them. What I learned from the challenge is that I feel vibrant and happy when I do these habits. I plan to keep…Read More

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