1 week, 2 days ago
Maybe a question more for the men, what average weight gain on a bulk do you recommend? Similarly, what average weight loss on a cut do you recommend?
I’ve seen that a good bulking speed is about 1/2 Lb per week and cutting is about 1% Bodyweight per week, but what are your thoughts?
1 Comment
When bulking, a good target is around 0.5–1 pound per week. This helps keep fat gain in check while making solid muscle gains. Some people—especially beginners—might be able to push the higher end of that range, while more experienced lifters might need to aim lower to avoid excess fat.
For cutting, yeah, 1% of body weight per week is a solid benchmark. But lots of variables to consider here as well. How much does the person weigh to begin with and are they brand new to the gym so possibly experiencing newbie gains etc.
But losing around one percent of your total body weight helps keep muscle loss to a minimum while still making good fat loss progress. Cutting too fast can burn muscle, and going too slow might drag things out longer than needed.
At the end of the day, these numbers are just guidelines.