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Kristen BurneyOffline

    • Profile picture of Kristen Burney

      Kristen Burney

      1 month, 3 weeks ago

      Anyone else here struggling with chronic pain conditions for which you have to take medicine? Or weight lifting and designing a program with a major muscle group you cannot hit ?

      • Hi! I have endometriosis, adnemyosis, SIBO, hypothyroidism, interstitial cystitis, and a few more chronic conditions that aren’t pain related!

        Can def be a struggle but I’m mostly in remission and focus on making sure I’m doing everything I can to keep my chronic conditions under control.

      • I dealt with hip and leg pain for over 5 years. I used to be a runner, but I had to stop. I started weight lifting because I had way less pain from that. Unfortunately because of how often we move with my husband’s job, I’m never with a doctor long enough to figure out what is causing it’s until last October. I was diagnosed with tronchanteric bursitis and I got a steroid shot in my hip. My steroid shot is starting to wear off because I’ve experienced some pain in the last couple weeks. I also began getting dry needling last year on one of my shoulders because if I tried to lift anything too heavy I would be in pain for weeks. We are moving again this summer, but I have a much clearer picture of what is causing my pain, so I’m happy about that.

        • Do you have to take any medicines at affect metabolism like Lyrica or muscle relaxers? I am dealing with post surgery issues and chronic pain issues from neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome from my genetics of my upper body frame combined with muscle hypertrophy that started when I started lifting in 2021. 2 surgeries 1 on each arm/shoulder now over 2 yrs out on right and 1.5 on left and still unable to do anything even secondarily engaging my traps, and have bad nerve pain and muscle spasm I am left with. People kept telling me to stop lifting or working out and every time it just made me not want to stop more, but it is frustrating to do everything right and feel medicines keep my metabolism for maintenance below what it should ideally be, trainers unable to properly program splits that don’t get incredibly boring and repetitive… I seem to need way more sleep than is necessary from basic workouts or than my schedule allows if I am to get lifting + steps + cardio for the week with my sedentary computer job and home responsibilities. My Why feels stale right now and I want to quit all the time due to lack of progress or ability to do what normal people do. Yes I can work now and do my own laundry from getting the surgeries (btw I am missing part of my pec minor, scalenes and first rib on each side..intense surgery). I can do legs with machines. But sometimes trying feels pointless given when I’m up against.

          • Going to talk to a coach about some of these things but – doubtful I’ll find anyone who can properly program a split for me that isn’t like — ok every other thing in this list sets me off.
            I take 2 hrs out of my work day weekly for cupping and dry needling which keeps me in the gym doing any upper body at all.