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Elena GallandOffline

    • Happy day 1 (again)!

      My activity was going for my daily walk! Excited for a new set of habits to stick to for June.

      Most surprising thing since phase 1: I’ve kept the cold shower!

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    • Happy day 30 everyone! I wanted to share some wins, even though I didn’t do the 30 days perfectly:
      -I put emphasis (on most) of the last thirty days to complete the tasks
      -I got outside a lot more
      -I was reminded of how important my fitness/self development journey is to me
      -today I did a completely cold shower without starting warm
      -I s…Read More

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      • Thank you for sharing your wins Elena! Even if it wasn’t perfect, we are glad you got some value out of doing the challenge. That is the important part! We hope to see you in the Part 2.

      • I’m proud of you, sister❤️

      • This is the MOST important part. You kept going. The biggest win of them all!

    • I meant to share this win last night, but will share it now:

      One of my least favorite things about myself is that I give up real easily; it’s so easy for me to quit things. Especially when one of my many chronic health conditions is flaring.

      I got to the gym yesterday after sitting in an hour of traffic and I was distended and in pain, b…Read More

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    • I just did this meditation and found it so calming and such a good way to go into bed. Just thought I would share in case anyone else would find it beneficial!

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    • Want a fool proof way to never forget your 30 minute walk? Take your dog with you (mostly) every day for 2 weeks at the same time and he will remind u at your usually time (trust me).

      Happy Saturday yall! This week is going much better than last (tho not perfect, I am still extremely proud of myself for continually showing up and doing better…Read More

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