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Diane ShishidoOffline

    • Profile picture of Diane Shishido

      Diane Shishido posted in the group Calorie Deficit Challenge

      7 months ago

      Ok, my day wasn’t perfect (or easy) because I have a bug and am home alone for another day with my little kids, but I managed to get within 10g of my protein goal and 100 cal of that goal. Impressive considering I had to swap out my pre planned dinner for pizza delivery (hence the high fat number today). All in all I’m still really proud of myself that I didn’t throw in the towel because the day had numerous out of the norm challenges that I wasn’t expecting when I signed up. I’ve never tried to hit this high of a protein goal before so this is an interesting learning curve.

      I’ve debated all day on posting the progress photos I dragged myself out of bed for. Never done anything like this in a public forum, and I’m a very private person so this is way out of my comfort zone.

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      • What a great job! That is impressive to hit your goals with the curves you were thrown today! NICE! Also, welcome to the discomfort zone. I felt the same way but it was rather ‘freeing’ once I posted the photos. We are in this together. 😊

      • Yayyyyy! We all start somewhere. The best feeling is actually starting 😍