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Dana LimperisOffline

    • Profile picture of Dana Limperis

      Dana Limperis posted in the group Calorie Deficit Challenge

      6 months, 1 week ago

      Adjusted my macros with Brad today… feeling more settled with them. The others were starting to feel hard every day (eating past full to get the calories and protein in… hated it… delicate balance though cause I/We do NOT want to put me into metabolic adaptation…have lost quite a bit of weight though so for now feeling comfortable with this). SOoooo HAPPY CAMPER and SO GRATEFUL for Brad and the knowledge & guideance. New macros are: Carbs 120 gm, Fat 30 gm, Protein 115 gm, Calories 1,210. And clearly I still love my protein. LOL
      Calories – 18 under
      Protein – 7 gm over

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