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Dana LimperisOffline

    • Profile picture of Dana Limperis

      Dana Limperis posted in the group Calorie Deficit Challenge

      6 months, 2 weeks ago

      Good day and really great workout tonight and tons of steps. Feeling accomplished.
      Calories – 97 under
      Protein – 17 gm over (mahi mahi for dinner – LOTS of extra protein from my norm)

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      • Edit — Protein was 18 gm over (my bad)….

      • Good job. Your fat macros are so low. I could never eat that little of fat. I would go crazy! 😂

        • It’s crazy how everyone’s body is different 😂 my body would fail without fats lol took me awhile to tweak my macros when I started. My body does better high fat lower carb 🤷‍♀️

        • @Mandy, I started originally with higher fat macros and a bit lower protein with Brad a few months ago. I never hit the fat and always went over on the protein so we adjusted. I feel really good on this. One thing which makes it much easier and more suitable for me is that I am allergic to dairy. That eliminates a lot of potential fat grams.