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Dana LimperisOffline

    • Been MIA here because of healing from some minor surgery. Hoping to get back at it soon. Loving seeing the posts and comments! 😊

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    • Today is a rest day after 5 days at the gym. Not liking it at all. My body needs it though. Came outside to chill a little and reset. Watching a possible storm brewing. Wind is kicking up. Love how fast the weather changes here…. Just like NY. Feels like home. 😊
      Any recommendations / advice on how to chill and utilize rest days without feeling u…Read More

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      • not very helpful now because your post was 2 days ago but next rest day start by asking yourself “what does my mind/body/spirit need today? What sounds fun? What is something I have done for a while that I could do?” Rest day doesn’t mean sit on a couch and do nothing all day. Get good at asking the question of your body and listening for the…Read More

      • So gorgeous!! I struggle with rest days myself!

    • Some of my outdoor time today. As soon as I walked into the gym, the guy who manages the weight room came over and told me I might want to head outside on the deck cause the weather was perfect! He even offered to bring out additional equipment if I wanted. Love this place… feels like home. 🥰

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    • Shook up my wrap spices & toppings a little today. Delish and juuussst spicy enough. Added sriracha salt, spicy mustard & some Walden’s dressing 🌶️

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    • LOVING my new morning sunshine breakfast routine. Did mini reno on both of my porches to make them more inviting, comfy havens. So nice. ☀️🥰

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