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Craig SmithOffline

    • I have always pursued a weight loss goal. I chase the number over and over. For the record, I don’t think I have ever actually hit the number because it’s always some large target way out in the distance and is easily lost in the day to day ways of life. I have taken a new approach recently and feeling really good about it. I am not chasing a…Read More

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      • The eating window. Tell me more about that. I am curious what that looks like. Are you still kinda tracking? Or because of things like #2 the pause before purchase you are relaxing on the tracking because of what it does to you AND if you are being intentional about your choices AND keeping it to a window, you find that works?
        For me, I am…Read More

        • Hi Kellie. I am tracking very limited. Most of my focus has been on movement. I’m averaging just over 14K steps daily over the past 3 weeks. Pausing before purchase has changed a lot and as @bradjensen knows from our coaching days, I wasn’t good about having healthier, dense snacks on hand and I would often end up going to eat out. The eating…Read More

      • Craig I love this.

        I fall into very similar patterns and have in the past.

        what has worked for me is changing the way I view what I do – and looking at who I really want to become, more than just the scale.

        I have gotten clear that it is so important for me to be functional and live a long healthy life that is full of activity with my loved…Read More

    • The power of the morning walk!
      I have been starting my work day at 10 am with 10k steps for the past 2 weeks and it is making such a difference. The focus has been to get back in control of something I can do, that I enjoy, and that I benefit from. Part 2 of this challenge is perfect to help me now build in another element of discipline and physicality.

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    • That’s how to start the day. Walked to the walking trail, short meditation and walked back home.

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    • Love starting my day off with these. I read one or the other with my sons each morning to set a spiritual tone for the day. They are simple, yet powerful thoughts that are structured the same, finishing with a reflective statement.

      What do you all use to tap into your spiritual side? I’d love to add more options to the library.

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