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Heather MunafoOffline

    • Day 6, kiddo joined me for the walk and I really enjoyed that!
      Woke up this morning feeling like going to bed haha. This weekend was draining. BUT only focused on one thing at a time:
      -get my shoes on and get dressed
      -get food and caffeine
      -walk on treadmill
      I dread leg day, but after those first three steps it feels much more…Read More

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    • Day 5! I hope my posts are uploading properly!
      I love this challenge. I love the structure, and my 60 second cold shower at 11:30pm last night was a great reminder we don’t have to over complicate hard things. Dont over think it—just get em done!

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      • I hate being cold. So the cold shower is a tough one. But I’m sucking it up and doing it. Also, there might be something to it because since I’ve been doing the cold shower at night the last few days I’ve slept like a freaking rockstar! Way to get it done!

    • Day 4, it’s a crazy competition weekend, but I’m determined to check every box! Good luck everyone, stay strong! And have a fantastic weekend

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    • Day 3, meditation has been a struggle. I have been doing 5 min at a time, and honestly just focusing on the feeling of my lungs expanding and deflating while constantly letting thoughts come and go (why is that so difficult?? 😂) has been the most helpful.

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    • Day 2, going strong. Keep in mind life will try to get in your way anytime you do something to “level up” yourself. (Let me be a geek here) it’s like a video game, the bosses will keep getting harder BUT it is supposed to be that way. Think of it this way: without that adversity, we COULD NOT grow and become better.
      Motivation will start high,…Read More

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