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Heather MunafoOffline

    • Yesterday almost took me out, guys. Difficult conversations are my least favorite thing, and there were many of them. I’m a pretty upbeat person, but that day I woke up grouchy and filled with all kinds of negative emotions.
      What’s funny though, even when in my mind the lat thing I wanted to do was all the challenge tasks (especially the gra…Read More

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    • Day 15!
      Yesterday was very hot during my walk, but got it done! The cold shower felt gooood after that!
      I’ve been using timers for completing tasks of the challenge like the shower and meditation, and I’ve started doing that same thing for tasks while I’m working, and it has made my work day much more productive and focused!

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    • Days are flying by now, and some tasks are so easy now, and oddly enough others seem to be more of a hassle haha. I think that’s natural when life gets busy, which is why daily reminders are important!

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    • Monday and ready for a great week! I find myself reading 8-10 pages now, and I didn’t even realize how easy it is to pick up my book now. That was a HUGE struggle before, and suddenly it’s so simple…I was amazed. I’m so thankful for this challenge!

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    • Went on a walk with my loves this morning! Feeling especially thankful for having my family.
      Happy Mother’s Day everyone!!!

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