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Heather MunafoOffline

    • Half way through the week! 🙌
      Still fighting off this cold, thankfully I was about blocked off a good chunk of my day for some resting.
      A good friend told me “a body in motion stays in motion.”
      On days you have zero momentum, start with a tiny easy task, then do another, and only focus on that ONE step at a time. Don’t think about the rest…Read More

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    • Still feeling sick, but a little better!
      Still started the day with a cold shower. I’ve come too far to miss anything 😂
      The walk yesterday was hoooot and I had to take breaks and lay down midway, but did the thing🎉
      Happy Tuesday everyone! Keep pushing🙌

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    • Happy Monday! Getting over being sick and working around it to keep up my momentum! Hasn’t been too bad and I’m ready to keep crushing it!

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    • Another show weekend and a bit under the weather, but still getting it done!!! Happy Saturday everyone!!

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    • Day 17! Grinding away, loving the walks outside! Started a tad late today but getting everything done!
      Have a great weekend guys!!

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