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Heather MunafoOffline

    • One day at a time ❤️

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    • I finished reading my book!!!! This is the first book I’ve stuck to reading and actually finished in years!!!
      This is a big deal for me, I have been trying and failing to read books for a while. The feeling of turning the last page and finishing was amazing. I already have my next book picked out!
      I can’t believe it’s almost been 30 days of th…Read More

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    • Nothing like getting everything in last minute! Today got away from me, but I was able to complete everything, just a tad later than usual!

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    • It’s Friday!!!!! Today is going to be a crazy busy one for me, I got my shower done first thing, convinced myself to get my leg day in 🤣, and got my 5 pages of reading done during cardio!
      Looks like I will be on calls for the majority of the day, so I wanted to make sure I got in what I could so it didn’t stack up tonight!

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    • Better today and ready to kick today’s butt!
      I haaate being sick. So excited to have my usual energy back!
      Started the morning with a cold shower, let’s get it!

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