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Cayla VidmarOffline

    • Back from vacay and ready to get rolling again. I’m wondering if there’s any ab exercises anywhere? Or what the general consensus is on training abs? I just haven’t seen any focus in the training programs so I’m curious! Thanks!

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      • I also had this question!! Thanks for asking it!

      • Hey Cayla! I have some ab exercises that I absolutely love

        Lying Leg Raises
        Landmine Rotation
        Cable Kneeling Crunch

        The ab exercises are sprinkled in throughout the workouts in the collective

      • You can train abs every day, but you do not need to

        I asked your question in our call this week on 3/5 which should be posted so Brad could answer this one in depth 🙂 If you want to check out the call! He answers it towards the end!

        Hope that helps Cayla!

    • Hi there! I’m Cayla, I’m 35 and just moved to upstate NY from UT. The last 4 years have been a wild journey, with big weight swings, having lost about 30lbs in 2020-2021 only to gain it back in 2022/23. A huge contributor to this being alcohol and mental health issues that have kept me from taking care of myself. I’m on the upswing, sober, final…Read More

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      1 Comment
      • Cayla, thank you so much for sharing your story! Keep pushing, stay sober and focus on you. That is the most important thing. We will do our best to help support you in your journey. If you need any help or have any questions, write us any time!

        Also, love your dog! Keep us updated on your walks. We’d love to see more of you, June, and NY!

    About Me

    Cayla Vidmar