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Cass ZimmermanOffline

    • Tomorrow’s Journal Prompt:
      – What has doing the 30 day challenge shown you about yourself?
      Or if you aren’t doing the challenge
      – What would I tell my younger self?

      Meditation: Today’s is a peaceful meditation, I absolutely loved

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    • Hey guys – I wanted to share something with you all today

      I had a conversation with a dear friend of mine this AM and..

      When you do the internal work..

      You start to be more present
      And when you become more present
      – you start to notice the beauty right in front of you

      You start to find reasons to be grateful in the smallest of…Read More

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    • Journal prompt for tomorrow and meditation!

      Journal prompt:
      1. In what areas of my life could I slow down a little? To be more present
      2. In what ways have I grown over the last year?

      Guided meditation:

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    • Hey all! I am going to start posting daily journal prompts and meditations!

      Here is today’s centered around self love!

      What do I love about myself?
      What unhealthy habits would I like to let go of?
      What would I like to replace them with?

      Guided meditation:

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    • Also shout out to @bigbenny!!! Welcome to the community!!

      We are happy to have you here!

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