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Cass ZimmermanOffline

    • With everyone that did the 30 Day Challenge, Part 1 and those who have started Part 2 – I have a question.

      Have you taken time to recognize and reflect on how showing up for yourself allows you to show up better or differently for the people in your life?

      If so, how? I’d love to hear!

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      • What came to mind instantly was how I don’t feel like a hypocrite anymore when talking to my daughter about responsibilities. 😄 But I’m not sure that’s exactly what you meant. I’m going to give this a little more thought and see what other ways I have shown up better.

        • I think for me – I felt like because I committed to myself and did things that made me feel good and happy inside, and push myself… i felt so much more able to show up for others in my life. Being more present also because I was prioritizing my time better. I also would incorporate my goals with my son, and I felt like it allowed us to spend a…Read More



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    • We are coming to the end of the 30 Day Challenge…. I’M NOT READY!!!

      How is everybody feeling?!?

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    • Drop your books that you’ve been reading during the 30 day challenge? I’d love to know.

      I am reading “Man’s Search for Meaning”

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    • How is everyone feeling with the 30 day challenge? What is your favorite thing about the challenge?

      What has pushed you outside of your comfort zone?

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      • My favorite things are the reading and the meditation. Hardest thing is definitely the cold shower, but I’m getting used to it. I started off cool and try to make it a little colder every day. I’m trying to concentrate on breathing through it.

      • I’m liking the way it pushes me. I’ve had a lot of travel and this has pushed me to keep doing practices that are healthy. Water is a big deal when I travel and I don’t usually get enough. This challenge has pushed me to make it a priority.

      • I think I like the cold shower best because it isn’t pleasant but it’s the easiest to incorporate into my day. I enjoy the walks mostly, especially the conversations with my youngest child. I might finally finish my book, the challenge keeps me focused on picking it up daily.

      • The whole challenge has. I have massively struggled with it. Not coming in here for several days, not even recording the things that I did do. But what it has done is forced to view my habits lately. I’m struggling a lot (after losing 50 lbs) with losing the last 20 lbs. And I keep blaming everything but myself and my actions. This challenge…Read More

        • Keep pushing through Kellie! The life you want is on the other side of the work you’ve been avoiding, and that is true for all of us. You got this! With the meditation, do you listen to guided? Sometimes that helps me!

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