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Brad JensenOffline

    • My goal is to prayer morning AND night this whole month. I’ve been super good about prayers at night, but really have been lacking in the morning. Curious to hear what Routine has worked for you when it comes to prayer for your higher power?

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      • As soon as I wake up, I just hit my knees and pray. Before water, before anything. That is the only way I remember to do it, otherwise, I just get too busy. 🙂

      • I struggle with prayer the last couple of years. I always want to do better at it-I wonder if pairing it with an already established habit would help. Like pairing it with breakfast time or brushing teeth or the shower.

      • I am struggling with consistency as well. I have the best of intentions. I do pray, but I want to study and do deeper thought work and prayer, and just don’t prioritize it. I like the idea of habit stacking here. Any more ideas on how to do that with a daily devotional book would be greatly appreciated. 🙏

    • We recently had some new members in the last week. if you’re new, and I’ve not introduced yourself, drop a quick blurb on this main page and let us know who you are and what you’re hoping to get out of this community! Remember, you get what you’re willing to put in, so start now by getting vulnerable😉

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    • All the details coming tomorrow! As well as the separate group will be created. This is totally optional so option if you’re wanting to do a calorie deficit the next eight weeks! Starts Monday, March 4th 🙂

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    • New sunday theme! Each Sunday we will all drop one big win for the week! Soooo drop those WINS for the weak bellow! 👇🏼💯

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    • We are running another challenge starting next month. This time we are doing a calorie deficit challenge. Make sure to watch my attached video and we will have more details coming soon.

      Also, for those that are doing the step challenge, keep going strong! I can’t wait to announce the winners and remember, I will be giving away some free…Read More

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