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Brad JensenOffline

    • Also, don’t forget that Hormone and Metabolism Expert Sam Miller is coming on Tuesday’s collective call at a special time of 3 PM MST. He is a WEALTH of knowledge so please try to make it if you can. You will learn soooo much. 🙂

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    • Remember, the weekends most definitely count, but they also count towards having some balance in your life. When you can learn to keep your goals in mind, but also have some flexibility, you will win this game long-term 🙂

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      • It’s all about the balance! My bro came up from Florida and got me a super nice tequila we can’t get up in Canada. Doesn’t fit the macros but you bet I had a drink to sip on 😆

    • Gratitude and spirituality go hand-in-hand. I believe when we’re in gratitude we in God will.. so, want you to think about one thing you’re truly grateful for and drop them below and maybe tell us why.

      I’ll start: I’m very grateful to know there’s a God who loves me. God who knows me by name. But I can reach out to anytime day or night. I…Read More

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      • I am also most grateful for God. He has given me the greatest gifts in my life, and has always been there for me when my life has been difficult. I am forever grateful for being able to reach out, pray to Him, speak to Him, when I was in need.There have been times when I felt that He was all I had to turn to. I have learned in life that sometimes…Read More

        • … and a relationship, or an ‘opportunity’ ended. I learned over time that those weren’t right for me, He knew it. He knew my path, the right path for me, and didn’t give me what I had prayed for. I have so much more trust and a stronger faith because of those circumstances.
          There is rarely a week that goes by when I don’t stop and think, and…Read More

      • I’m grateful for my 2 grandchildren. I have 1 daughter. Once upon a time I wanted more kids but it was not in the plan. So I’ve waited patiently for my grandbabies. They are Olivia, 4 yo and Wyatt, 1.5 yo. They keep me young and give me bucketloads of JOY. 💕

        • Michelle – that is wonderful. Aren’t they just the most amazing blessings? I have 3 boys (grown men now). I always thought I wanted more kids, but God’s plan was my 3 and they are just amazing and everything I need. I am loving watching their families grow. Such blessings.

    • Hey everyone, please go chime in on @kayemjohgmail-com post about go to healthy food options! This is how we grow with ideas within the community

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    • For all of you who have struggled with Protien, I HIGHLY suggest you do your best to come to the call this Tuesday or for sure watch the recording . I just put everything together and it’s going to be EPIC if I must say so myself 🤷🏼‍♂️ lol

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      • hoping to be there, i want to discuss my egg issue lol. need to find a better breakfast protein now.

        • Have you tried oatmeal and adding some whey protein? This is my go to at home or on the road in a hotel at work. Add some berries on top for fiber. You can even add chia for more fiber. There are some of those pre mix oatmeal packets that have flax and chia in it as well. Sprinkle some cinnamon and you have a protein-packed breakfast.

          • Hey Kevin, yes I do that as a pre workout meal and add blueberries as well. so tasty. might have to switch a few things up tho for times of day I consume the stuff. Thank you for the reply

      • If I’m really craving some pancakes I like using the Flourish Pancake mix. Decent macros in there for 75g of the mix which makes 2 huge pancakes it (2g fat, 40g carb, 23g protein) for 270 cals

        • Walter, where do you pick this up from? love to have pancakes with my son. We recently had the Kodiak ones which i purchased from Walmart. Tasty and he enjoyed them. Thanks for tip

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