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Brad JensenOffline

    • Keep crushing it everyone!! 👊🏼👊🏼

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    • Tomorrow at 4pm MST our live community Call going over phase 2 of the challenge! Please try to show up if you can 🙂 also doing any Q&A you might have!

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    • Who’s ready for phase 2 next month!?

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    • And, It’s been a rough day for me. Just in a funk. So I tried to identify some wins and gratitudes for the day – it helped! Would love to hear what wins or gratitude you have today! 👇🏼

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      • Grateful for today as i get my son now until Sunday. lots of daddy son time.

      • WIN – didn’t freakout when i woke up later then usual, felt tired, spilled my coffee all over me and my car seat, couldn’t find my keys until i actually started my car, to find out they were in my gym bag in the back seat. all this made me late for work. All i could do was laugh at myself and enjoy the day. normally i would be freaking out from…Read More

      • With all of the storms and other events of the past few weeks, I’m very grateful that my family is safe and healthy today. I’m grateful that I have a safe and peaceful home that is a safe haven for my youngest child and I. I’m grateful that my youngest child chose to spend the summer with me. I’m grateful that my oldest daughter (oldest child)…Read More

    • New glute builder add on workout is now done in the workouts section! 🍑

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