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Michelle FiliaultOffline

    • Yesterday was a long hot mess of a day. I had a few zeroes and even forgot to post here. But I didn’t make it mean anything and today got 100% done with time to spare. Day 9 done. ✅

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    • View from tonight’s walk. Mount Greylock, 3491 feet, highest peak in MA.

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    • Today’s walk was a hike with my favorite hiking buddy, my 4 yo granddaughter. We hiked to a beautiful waterfall and enjoyed every interesting stick, rock and mushroom along the way. She would ask, Are we going the right way? I’d say, Yes we are. She would say, Are you sure? Maybe we should check the map.” 😂🥾

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    • I stayed up too late last night, so I was exhausted this morning. After a super busy day at work and a 2 hour zoom call, I was ready for bed, but I did. All. The. Things. I have my nightly 8 oz of Kombucha to go and day 5 is done. ✅

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    • I left church today on this rainy, cold New England day and wanted nothing more than to come home to some hot soup and a cup of tea. I gave up a long sigh and stopped at my go-to walking spot when I’m out and about, this cemetery. I sucked it up, got out my umbrella and hit the pavement. Walked 30” and visited my dead relatives. ☑️

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