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Michelle FiliaultOffline

    • Today was another long day. I have loved this challenge most days, especially when I have time to do things mindfully and intentionally and really benefit from them. Today was one of those days where I feel like I’m cramming to check off boxes and that is not fulfilling at all. Will do my reading, then head to bed, a little less than 100%, and t…Read More

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    • In response to Brad’s message on Day 28… gratitude for the simple things in life. I always start out my prayer time with thanks for those things…my recliner chair, my blanket, my coffee or tea, my home with a roof over my head and a heating system, abundant clean water, sour dough bread, whatever is on my mind. I know it can all disappear in the b…Read More

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    • I did a guided Meditation this morning on cultivating gratitude. It prompted me to be thankful to my body for all the things it could do, then my heart, then my mind. So far, easy peasy! … then my soul. I had to think about this one. What does my soul do?? I’m going to be doing some research, thinking, journaling, and praying about this one.

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    • It’s a good thing we are not counting steps in the 30 minute walk outside. Hiked today with my best tiny hiking buddy. He will be 2 in two weeks and he did his longest hike yet!

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      • Love that you are bringing other values (people) into this with you. I think that is one of the best ways to make habits and lifestyle changes stick. Way to go!!

    • Well, I’m just getting home from an extra long ass miserable day with OT from work. Definitely will have some zeroes. But I’ll get in what I can before I keel over asleep. 😴

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