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Michelle FiliaultOffline

    • I went hiking today with 2 friends who I haven’t seen for a few years. On the trail, I was saddened to see this magnificent tree toppled. It is a rather famous hollow tree. Everyone who did this hike would have their picture taken inside the perfect doorway into the tree. It looks smaller in the first photo, but the second shows its large diameter.

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    • My 4 yo granddaughter & I took our walk/hike today in this park. Many years ago it was a mobile home park. A hurricane caused severe damage and flooding such that all mobile homes were lost. In later years it has been maintained as a lovely park with wildflowers galore.

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    • I’m an AT (Appalachian Trail) trail maintainer. I scouted my section and did some trimming. Of course, though no rain was predicted, I got caught in the rain. Again. 😂🥾

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    • Day 21 for me is done. ✅ I am off from work now until next Wednesday. Woot-woot! Hoping to get a good balance of yard work, some inside work, fun, relaxation, and time with the fam.

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    • I didn’t walk today during the day because it was too hot (I’m a cold-blooded animal who hates the heat). I had a meeting at 6:30 PM (Eastern time), outside at a local lake. I wanted to watch Brad‘s live, but then would have to go directly to the meeting. So I missed the live, walked for 30 minutes, got caught in a thunderstorm, and the meeti…Read More

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