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Aracely NiewenhuisOffline

    • I got my walk in today during my sons soccer game. It was a close game, so I paced up and down the field.

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    • Day 9 completed! Here is a photo of the cup I use for water at the moment. To reach my goal every day I need to drink just under five of these. I’ve been so proud of myself for doing very well in that part of the challenge. Before I would drink water, but it was definitely not five of these. It was more like one and maybe two on a warm day. T…Read More

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    • My 30 minute walk turned into a run. It was not planned that way because I had already done my workout this morning and only needed 12 more minutes to complete my walk for the day. The weather was perfect and I haven’t ran outside in a long time. I was pleasantly surprised when I turned into this trail and it was lined with these white flowers t…Read More

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    • Finishing up day 7! I’m very lucky to have a husband that supports me in anything I decide to do. He didn’t question me when I asked him to drop me off 10 minutes from our house. I walked 20 minutes earlier today and I really thought I wouldn’t be able to complete that walking goal today. Thankfully the storms haven’t rolled in yet and I was abl…Read More

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    • Getting my walk in before getting ready for bed instead of in the morning. Today was a very busy day with church, a soccer game, Girl Scouts, and running errands. I love walking in the morning, but I forget how peaceful it is to walk in the evenings too.

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