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Alyssa CarnahanOffline

    • I did a little back to school shopping with my kids today. Didn’t do much for my steps or my protein. We got home just in time to get my 5th grader to football practice so instead of just dropping him off I stayed and walked the track. Got my steps in, but my protein was not great. I’ll get back in track tomorrow.

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    • I took my kids to a Waterpark today so I had to be really intentional about my protein, but the steps were easy.

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    • We had a nice little thunderstorm this afternoon that cooled things off for a while, but the temperature shot back up pretty quickly and now it’s just hot and humid. Thankfully I walked this morning and didn’t need to make up steps tonight. Protein was also good today, but tomorrow I’m taking my kids on a quick trip before school starts so I’ll…Read More

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    • Sunday is my laundry day, with my walk this morning and carrying laundry up and down the stairs, it wasn’t a struggle to get my steps in. 😊

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    • Hit my goals again today. I woke up this morning and got a hike in before it got too hot. Finishing my steps early in the day made it so I could pay attention to my protein goals. I got a good amount of protein prepped for lunches next week, which should make those goals a little easier for a few days.

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