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Alyssa CarnahanOffline

    • Day 21 done. It was a long day and I’m ready for bed, but I got everything done. 😴

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    • Day 20 done. It was nice to be back to my regular routine, but it’s the last week of school for my kids so starting next week I’ll be figuring out our summer routine. ☀️

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    • Day 19. I just finished my reading and that was the last thing I needed for today. We had almost a week of okay-ish weather but next week is supposed to be chilly and windy again. Not loving that, but at least I won’t be overly warm on my walks.

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    • Day 18 is done. My daughter went to state for track so I drove four hours to watch her run one event, but managed to get my water in anyway! 😊

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    • Day 17 is done. I’ve started to really look forward to my meditation, and my cold showers are slightly less uncomfortable than they used to be…

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      1 Comment
      • That cold shower is still pushing me right now. I don’t know why this has been so difficult but great job for you!!! Keep it up.

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