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Austin MahanOffline

    • Profile picture of Austin Mahan

      Austin Mahan

      5 months ago

      I’m excited to be starting the 30 day challenge for the first time. I had a minor surgery last month that came with an unexpected not so minor recovery that has really affected my mindset. Still recovering, but hopefully at the tail end of it.

      It’s funny Brad was dogging on splitting up that 30 minute walk into 5 minute increments, and we’ll I’m that guy lol. I’m grateful for the challenge because I probably would not have gotten out of bed if it wasn’t for that.

      The book I would recommend to people is Andy Andrews The Travelers Gift. It’s a super easy read, and has some great stories in it that make it feel like a story vs someone preaching to you. It was what got me into reading books. Great starting point. Of course you can never go wrong with Ed Mylett either. I’ll be knocking out Green Light, The 4 Agreements, and The Mastery of Love.

      I’m also a big sparkling water fan which helps me get my water in. For all my Texas folks HEB has an unsweetened Black Cherry that’s my go to.

      Day 1 check! Good luck everyone! We got this!

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