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Calorie Deficit Challenge

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  • Last day in the mountains today and had such a great time skiing A-Basin. BEAUTIFUL bluebird day and nice conditions. Having two of my sons with me? Priceless! Macros were good even though meals were unusual with all the treking. Lots of driving because I70 shut down due to a semi on fire so we had to take the southern route back to Denver – way…Read More

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  • Tracked but could not post on Friday so here it is. Didn’t have my laptop up in the mountains and could not remember my passcode for the site for my phone. Anyway, did well with my macros… even with a really nice dinner out with my youngest son — fave place in Breckenridge – Kenosha.
    Calories – 72 over
    Protein – 7 gm under

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  • Trying to stay consistent while on vacation! I want to come out of this feeling good!!

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  • It was a great day!!! Got lots of yard work done, went for a walk, did cardio and now enjoying outside time by the fire. I’m so excited for summer. Bring it on!

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  • No points yesterday, was in car all day! Went over on cals and was just shy of hitting protein goal! I am in Florida this week for vacation and am going to try my absolute best to stay on track while enjoying a couple treats (aiming for 3)

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  • Went to dinner for my daughter’s birthday and was able to stay on track and it felt good. Today was a great day. Woke up and lifted weights, did cardio, got my hair done, went to a Pilates class with my daughter and some other girls and then dinner.

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  • Pretty tired today. I thought I might be fighting something off this evening. Off to bed. Hopefully I don’t end up getting sick. The funeral is tomorrow. So I’m hoping to just track throughout the evening and see how I feel. Hope everyone has a good weekend

    Got my calories and protein today

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  • Forgot to post last night oops! Did ok today – scale is bumping up a bit again. trying not to let it get to me – staying the course as much as I can.

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    • Keep at it! The scale will fluctuate for women especially

    • Don’t give up! You got this girl.

    • My weight is sometimes all over the place. Just look at the average over a week and watch over time to see if the trend is down. I am still learning not to let a scale jump freak me out (and it is hard). Keep going — you are doing great.

    • My weight is sometimes all over the place. Just look at the average over a week and watch over time to see if the trend is down. I am still learning not to let a scale jump freak me out (and it is hard). Keep going — you are doing great.

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  • Had a really good day. STILL heading up to the mountains tonight. Had to help the kiddo with a bunch of stuff (and he ventured off to bed about 45 mins ago)… so I am still wrapping up packing. I decided I would rather drive up late, late at night and wake up there to ski versus fighting crowds and traffic in the morning. PLUS… having an…Read More

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  • Like Mandy today was a day! Sat in traffic’s for 2 hours and cleaned out a closet at mamas place. It’s going slow but shouldn’t be too back before everything out

    Macros went good! I’m pretty hungry but I’m hitting sheets 🥰

    Got my calories and protein!

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  • Today has been a day. Trying to stay positive. Things could be a lot worse. Macros are ok! I hope everyone has a good night. I’m going to bed early!

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  • Yesterday I gave into some cravings and went over on cals by 200 and was under on protein! Got right back on track today and feeling really good about my day 💪🏼

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    • That’s awesome! Our bodies need a refeed sometimes! I usually do around 200-350 more cals and make them most carbs for energy! Good job listening to your body

    • Way to shift, Lauren. Getting back on track is key to the journey (and not beating yourself up when you have an off meal, day, etc.) Nice job!

    • It’s definitely ok to sneak stuff in there sometimes. Way to get back on track today. You’re doing great! 💜

  • Great day again. I am sleeping well, but ‘body battery’ has been low last couple days. I think I am fighting off a nasty virus my grands have. I feel good though so my immune system is hopefully doing its’ job! Really good workout even though I dropped a 35 lb. plate on my foot. 🤦‍♀️ REALLY hoping it doesn’t get too much worse because I have SKIING to…Read More

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    • Oh my gosh girl! Ouch!!! I dropped a 45 lb weight on mine in December 2022 and broke it. I had to have surgery. I hope you feel better soon. Definitely have that foot checked out if it gets bad. So happy for you that you have your son there. You’re killing it with your macros!!! 💪🏼💜

      • I am hearing that dropping plates on your feet is like “a thing”. Dang…. Hoping to never do this again. I think I am okay — just painful and wicked bruised. I worked out today and survived. We shall see if I survive ski boots for the next two days! lol 🤞🏻

    • Ouuuch 🥲 that’s the worst! Hopefully it’s okay!

  • Busy day working today but I’m happy to have work picking up. It’s definitely easier to hit my step goals and active goals when I’m naturally moving more. Should start seeing the weight drop the next few weeks with staying consistent. I’m working on getting my water up too. I seemed to neglect that last few weeks and usually I’m so good at it! 😫

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This 8-week challenge is designed to help you shed fat and keep consistent to your caloric deficit. To motivate each participant we are providing a prize for the top 3 performers:

1st Place – $300
2nd Place – 3 Legion Supplements of Choice
3rd Place – Free Months to The Key Collective

More details will be released soon. Challenge starts Monday March 4th!