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Calorie Deficit Challenge

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  • Great day and productive. Loved my workout. Meal prep’d and made a yummy Lillie recipe tonight. Chose a recipe with pasta in it to work on my brain thinking pasta is “bad”. I know it’s not and something I am working on…. that I can eat reasonable quantities of pasta in a deficit and balance.
    Calories – 93 under
    Protein 3 over

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  • Very tired after today that I almost forgot to post. But here we go :p not much to say but have a good weekend everyone! Ours is pretty awesome seeing family and TFC tonight in Toronto. Got my protein at 132 and calories 1573 out 1510

    Nighty night 😴

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  • I thought I was doing good today when we went out for lunch. I ordered chicken fajitas with salad instead of rice and beans. When I got home and entered all of the ingredients I was WAY over on carbs, fat and calories. I split the meal in half for lunch and dinner, and thought I was doing good until I just put it in My
    Fitness Pal. I was…Read More

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    • Sometimes you have to go by how you feel too. Depending on if you feel later on after eating them maybe the estimate was wrong. It’s happened to me a few times where I was starvinnng and then you can go back and look to see if maybe it’s track wrong compared to other fajita recipes

  • Protein and carbs balanced each other out. Anyone else never have a problem eating their protein grams? I always go over.

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  • I haven’t posted in awhile, so I thought I’d pop in with an update. I gave up on the official challenge because I knew I’d never post every day. I’ve been tracking most days and have had no trouble staying within calories, but still struggling with protein. I’ve had a GI issue on and off since January such that most of what I eat goes right thr…Read More

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  • Another gorgeous bluebird ski day – A Basin with my middle kiddo. We had SUCH a great time and I got to ski the super steeps, bumps, avalanche area and gnarly stuff. Absolutely LOVED IT and my time with my son. Priceless.❤️ Bonus? Great exercise, tired legs and shoulders, and high calorie burn day. 😎

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  • GREAT DAY today! I really enjoyed it. Calories and protein were a little harder to hit this evening as I was low at lunch and no snacks during the day, but I did it. The hunger wasn’t there so I found some nutritious snacks with lower bulk to round out the cals and protein.
    Calories – 88 under
    Protein – 10 gm over

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  • Happy Friday! Everyone is so focused going into the weekend! I have been on track, but for some reason I can’t post on my phone anymore? I had to wait until I could get to my desktop tonight. I don’t know why it isn’t working, but the fact that I think of being accountable to the group even though I haven’t been able to keep up with the updates…Read More

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  • We are out of town today and tomorrow but we always know what to get from the grocery store to make the day not go to waste! So I’m happy for that ☺️ got my protein and 1437 out of 1510 cals

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  • Happy Friday!!!

    • Heading strong into the weekend! You have yard work again? Or did u get it all done last weekend?

      • We have more yard work. Laying some dirt, doing some edging and rock and gonna hopefully start laying sod if the rain stays away. We built a house and moved in late November and it’s been awesome but I’m so ready for spring/summer and a beautiful yard to enjoy. 😊

  • Today was a total guesstimate since I went out to lunch. I had a hugggee salad which was delicious but no idea what the macros were.

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  • How’s everyone feeling? Let us know your wins from this week, and what you intend on improving next week below. 👇

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    • Wins are kicking ass with my macros and praying everyday no matter what. I need to improve on journaling and relaxing when needed. I always feel guilty if I’m not constantly doing something. A little bit of ADHD going on. Time to chill and enjoy the moments I have in peace. Meditate.

      • My priorities have stayed priorities. Which is eating good and hitting the gym. Without those two things during this time with travelling a hour almost everyday to see Walter’s mama in hospice would be so hard mentally. So I’m happy we’ve been able to stick with it 🥹 this week or next Monday I would like to book the spa 🧖‍♀️ we need a day to re…Read More

    • Win for the week was staying on plan every day and getting in all 4 planned workouts! I struggled a few days wanting to slip back into “Vacation” mode, but I stuck with it! Next week I am planning to stay just as consistent.

  • I have decided to take a new job. Huge leap of faith for me. It will be totally remote. Now I have to really deal with my emotional eating! 🤣 Anyway, I feel less stressed today now that I have announced it to my team. Onward and upward. Now for my macros…here is yesterday. I was not very hungry and was traveling in the afternoon. Here is what h…Read More

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  • Good day and really great workout tonight and tons of steps. Feeling accomplished.
    Calories – 97 under
    Protein – 17 gm over (mahi mahi for dinner – LOTS of extra protein from my norm)

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    • Edit — Protein was 18 gm over (my bad)….

    • Good job. Your fat macros are so low. I could never eat that little of fat. I would go crazy! 😂

      • It’s crazy how everyone’s body is different 😂 my body would fail without fats lol took me awhile to tweak my macros when I started. My body does better high fat lower carb 🤷‍♀️

      • @Mandy, I started originally with higher fat macros and a bit lower protein with Brad a few months ago. I never hit the fat and always went over on the protein so we adjusted. I feel really good on this. One thing which makes it much easier and more suitable for me is that I am allergic to dairy. That eliminates a lot of potential fat grams.

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This 8-week challenge is designed to help you shed fat and keep consistent to your caloric deficit. To motivate each participant we are providing a prize for the top 3 performers:

1st Place – $300
2nd Place – 3 Legion Supplements of Choice
3rd Place – Free Months to The Key Collective

More details will be released soon. Challenge starts Monday March 4th!