Walked near these beauty’s this evening. I thought my walk was ruined because it began to rain as soon as we got to my daughters volleyball practice, but it eventually cleared up.
I’ve been really sick the last couple of days, but I got back to it today.
One more day in the challenge, keep it up everyone!
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Key Collective wrote a new post
UncategorizedAugust 30, 20240Call Details Topics covered:How to know if you are lifting heavy enough.Brad's favorite exercise for each muscle.Open Q&A Show Notes PDF
First time I laid down to sleep and had to get back up to walk a little more. 😆 But I got it done and even hit my protein. Yay!
Steps hit! I was 35 mins into my walk and it started down pouring, unfortunately too much to finish!
We are already at the 28th! Met my step goal, activity and protein! We’ve got this everyone!
Phew that walk was a doozy! 90 degrees at 8pm has me SWEATING
Woke up when my youngest had a nightmare at around 4:30am. I tried falling asleep, but gave up after an hour. So I got up, got my workout in, and now I’m on my walk before the sun comes up
and the temps go up.2 Comments-
I’m sorry that was the reason you were up so early but way to make lemons out of lemonade. Beautiful view!
Steps and activity but missed my protein. Gonna nail that these last couple days.
Goals hit✅ feeling motivated and ready to end this month out strong!
The heat today in Kentucky is no joke. Went on a walk at 6:30am and I had to wear leggings because it was a bit chilly, but not now. I changed into shorts for my run.
Made sure to walk this morning since I was traveling today. Hit my steps, exercise and protein. Almost at the end!
Hit all my goals today. I’m not ready for winter, but I am looking forward to cooler temperatures.
I cannot believe August is almost over. Just finished my last walk for the day
A great day with my brother and sister. The cousins all playing in the pool and us hanging out and visiting. It was awesome. When I looked at my watch I needed 700 more steps and my mom walked around the block with me. Just a stellar day.
No daily walk today but yard work and playing with the kids got me over 13k. Joyful movement is the goal and it felt great today.
What a day at the beach! Did my 45 min walk but unfortunately didn’t get all my steps, been so hooked on my book
Today I got to live out my why which is a sexy active grandma. I was able to take my granddaughter to Disneyland for her 1st time and we rode several rides together.
Spent most of today at football games with my 10 year old. I got a walk in this morning before we left. Fall sports are in full swing and the next few weeks are going to be really busy for me. This is my favorite time of year.
This morning my husband surprised me with a beautiful hike in the mountains We had a great time.
Beach vacay and still got all my steps in! Walking on the beach is way better than the sidewalk
This challenge is really helping me stay committed to the person I am trying to become. My daughter and I are flying this morning to Vegas to visit family. We needed to leave for the airport by 10 am. Also I love being able to sleep in on Saturdays. So in the past I would have easily said there isn’t enough time for a walk. And then i would…Read More
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Taking a different route for today’s walk. Happy Saturday!
I had a very busy day at work which meant a lot of sitting. I left work about 7000 steps. I went to my 2nd hip hop class which was so fun! But we are still learning so a lot of watching and trying the same combos over and over again so not as much actual dancing. Got me 2000 more. So in my backyard for a nice stroll while my dogs stared at…Read More
I got a nice run in this morning. I slept in a little bit so it was starting to warm up which was not my favorite, but I got it done.
Steps done
Protein in
Beautiful weather so outside walks done with a smile
Happy weekend -
Key Collective wrote a new post
Hit steps and protein today. The end of August is almost here, it’s gone by so fast! How’s everyone doing as we head into Fall?
The weather is finally cooling down. I was able to get a good walk in at lunch and a nice after dinner walk
Brand new here and jumping into the challenge. Better late than never! Took a walk outside today on my favorite trail.
Steps and outdoor activity 💪🏼 going to the beach this weekend so still planning to get all my steps
Started my day again with a nice walk with my husband. I’m so glad that we are back on that routine. He doesn’t wake up as talkative as I do, but that is okay. Our evenings are full with our kids activities, so it’s nice to have that one on one time. Even if we are quiet most of the way and just holding hands.
Key Collective wrote a new post
Craig Smith posted in the group Daily Spiritual Group
“This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use, and I will. I can waste it or use it for good. What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something I have traded for it. I want it to be GAIN not loss, GOOD not evil, S…Read More
It’s another beautiful day of opportunity! Have a great day everyone!
What is something you are feeling grateful for this morning?
My easiest and still most powerful piece of gratitude is Gods gift of the air in my lungs, a beating heart, and this sunrise each day to remind of Him.-
I am grateful today that I powered through a tough workout that just 6 months ago I wouldn’t have been able to do.
Grateful to be back to school this week. How lucky am I to have the opportunity of education?!
Great day today! My walk with the dogs was uneventful and peaceful. Got a lot of work done and played Clue with the family. Hit my steps but not protein.
My aim was to get to 10k, I woke up with such an awful headache that I knew it was better for me to go back to sleep before work tonight. Ended with 8475
Great day today. I can’t believe we are 21 days into this challenge Keep up the great work everyone
Looking forward to bed tonight. The last couple of days have been busy getting back into school routines. But I got my steps and hit my protein, so I’m happy.
You won’t want to miss tomorrow’s call! We are having on guest Frank Young to discuss how to use personal development and mindfulness to optimize your health and wellness routine. Frank is an awesome guy with great insight. I can’t wait for you guys to learn from him.
I am so upset I can’t make it. I have a work meeting at the exact same time. 😡. I will watch later.
Very proud to have been able to reach both my step goal and protein goal. Today started off great with a 2 mile walk with my husband, but after we got back I got a terrible migraine and nausea. I took some meds and tried to sleep it off. I woke up feeling much better. My stomach still felt off and I couldn’t get myself motivated to do my w…Read More
Not sure how we got to Wednesday already! I missed posting yesterday but hit my protein and steps goals. I had to walk around the track at my daughter’s swim practice to get it done and it was HOT! But I did it and as the track goes around the pool got to watch practice so a fun walk.
Yard work for the steps victory! I forget how much activity it is to spend time around the yard. And there’s nothing like a fresh cut lawn + sunset.
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Your scenery is always so awesome!