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  • Good morning everyone!
    I am attaching a list of affirmations (taken from my course The Self Love Blueprint). I am also adding the Affirmation Dissection worksheet that is part of the Your Greatest Life program. This is a 12 week LIVE coaching program that is set to begin in January. You can reach out to me privately (off this community) if you…Read More

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  • Wi got my 10k steps in yesterday and my workout was uninterrupted lol. I got some decent sets of heavy deadlifts in, in preparation for my meet. Hopefully I can get my bench numbers up as well.

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  • Ended the day less than 10k steps unfortunately. Tomorrow is a new day!

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  • Got my steps and my protein and participated in the great collective call today. What a day!

  • What an amazing call today! Thanks for showing up for those that did. Make sure to watch the call on replay and share your morning affirmation dissection in the chats. I lost my pedometer so I don’t know my steps but I did get my long night walk and feel certain I surpassed 10k today.

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  • I did not think I would get my outdoor walk and steps in today but my husband suggested we walk to pick up dinner. He walked home with it and I continued my walk until I got my steps in.

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  • Got an early morning walk in. The air was crisp and cool. Such great walking weather. 😍

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  • Didn’t get the full 45 minute outdoor activity but I got 25 before I had to get ready for work!

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  • Great day for steps! Protein was not quite. Getting better though. Almost at the half way point and I’m not where I want to be with it. Have to be more intentional with it.

  • Today did not go as planned. I did get my steps in, but my protein was off. By a lot. 🤷‍♀️

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  • Great job on the challenge everyone!! 💯

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  • I crushed my goals today

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  • Soccer season is back, so that means I get my steps in while my son is at practice. 🙌🏽

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  • Day two of me forcing myself to go outside even when I don’t feel like it 😅

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  • Craig Smith will be joining us tomorrow (August 15th at 1pm MT) for our live call! He will be presenting on The Power of Words. This will be centered around why affirmations don’t work for most people and how you can begin to use your words in a meaningful way. Join us for a boost in motivation and confidence! See you all s…Read More

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  • I got over my 10k steps in today. My training for my meet really sucked. I kept getting call after call. Then I just lost 100% mood. Anyone else experience this? I can’t just not answer my calls

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    • Those small distractions can really take us out of the zone. If you can train at a time where you are able to put your phone on silent mode, that would be best! Hopefully tomorrows training goes better, you got this Brad!

    • The worst! I have to schedule my work out super early in the morning because it is the only time I can do it. Otherwise, same as you. Life just gets in the way. And honestly, it is hard. It never gets easier to get up that early. But if that is not an option, maybe change your message while working out to say something like, “I’m working on…Read More

  • Got my steps in and hit my macro goals yesterday

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  • Hit all my goals today and had a long walk💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

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  • Steps in, protein in and I’m making sure I hit post. 😄

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  • I almost forgot to post today. Had a busy day and I’m happy to get some sleep tonight.

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  • I love listening to audio books when I walk. Sometimes it really encourages me to get walking so I can find out what happens next. Anyone else listen to books while you walk?

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  • Yesterday was the first day all august I hadn’t hit 10,000 steps. It was an emotionally super intense day at work and feeling such emotional fatigue that manifested in physical fatigue. I ended up taking a nap and just doing a bunch of self care.

    But BECAUSE of that, I made sure the first moment I had this morning I went for a walk.

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  • I did it again! Typed something for yesterday and didn’t hit post. Sigh. At least it saves the words for me.

    I had a monster day today! 16,749. Can you believe it? I walked around the track at my daughter’s swim practice and even though it was hot, i just kept walking. It felt really good. But my protein not so good. I’m getting there though.

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  • I got my 10k in yesterday thanks to 2 school open house for my kids. For some reason my daughter likes to run us from one end of her school to the other multiple times to go to all of her classes. I had a lot of windshield time yesterday so the extra trips back and forth through the school really helped lol

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  • Last minute apartment circles before midnight to get that 10k!! I looked at my Fitbit and I was at 9988!! 😂😂

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  • How is everyone loving the new challenge?
    Biggest hurdles?
    Biggest successes?

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    • Thank you for the challenge. My biggest success is getting my husband to walk with me to the store instead of driving

    • Accountability! I don’t usually follow through this well on challenges even when I’m doing the behaviors. I really enjoy the simple checkin screen.

    • Biggest success is that i haven’t faltered on the steps once! Biggest challenge is the protein. But it is making me try. By the end of this I will be hitting it daily!

  • Thankfully my tetanus shot is up to date. Just have to keep an eye on it to make sure it heals well. My foot is still tender, but it feels good enough to walk on it. My kids and I went out on a walk to do a scavenger hunt for our science lesson.

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  • Had a nice walk this morning.

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  • I guess I didn’t hit Post yesterday because my post will still sitting her this morning!

    So, I slept in and did not get out early enough and the dogs made me pay. The last 1/4 mile of our walk took about 30 min. Very dramatic dogs. Fortunately it isn’t supposed to be as hot this upcoming weekend. Hit my steps but faltered on the protein.

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  • I haven’t joined the challenge but I’ve been working on my 10k steps. I get up each morning to do a 20 minute walk at 4.1 mph. That really helps me get my steps in for the day. I’m also got invited to compete in the WABDL world final championship powerlifting meet in Las Vegas in November. I’ve got about 12 lbs to drop to make weight. I’m try…Read More

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    • Congratulations on the invitation! And good job with the steps!

    • That is awesome, congrats on the invitation! You got this, let us know if you need any help!

      • Thanks, my main hurdle is trying to get my macros right to where I can drop the weight slowly without loosing my strength gains. I”Today, I’m 211..I need to be 198 or under the morning before the meet. I can do a cut right before the meet and make weight, but at my last meet I feel it cost me the world record in bench. I’ve also got some major…Read More

    • I love this! how can we support you Brad!

      • Cass, the support that I need the most is accountability to push training and keep my nutrition in check lol. I’m open to any advice.
        I’m pretty sure at this moment I will be breaking world records again…if I make weight lol

    • Awesome Brad! I just signed up for my first ever powerlifting meet. October 19th!! Got any suggestions for a program to follow.

      • Craig, that’s awesome. You will love it. The powerlifting community is very helpful and seems like everyone cheers everyone on. It’s addicting too me. October 19 is a good date. I’m getting married that day. Let me know how your meet goes.

      • MAPS Powerlifting from the guys at Mind Pump Media is a great program. I ran it last year but had to modify it slightly. I only have one hand ( I wear a Prothesis) so dumbbell work is pretty dangerous for me. I am currently doing a 3×5 at 75% to 90% 1RM for my squat, bench, and deadlift. I run 75% for a few weeks then bump up to 80%, then to 90%.…Read More

  • I hit steps, posting now, and protein but I’m going to bed after midnight yet again… can we do a sleep challenge next month.

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  • Got my walk in this morning before it warned up. I enjoyed the crisp air. I’m looking forward to kids heading back to school and those autumn temperatures.

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  • I crushed another weekend by staying on track. I am so blessed that my husband went on both walks with me today . It makes the journey so much easier with a partner who supports you

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  • Laps around the apartment to get to that 10k today😂

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  • Was looking forward to crushing my steps again today after dinner, but an earring stopped that. One of my daughter’s earrings fell to the floor and nobody noticed it until I stepped on it. Pulling it out was not fun and the spot is so tender still. Thankful I already had an appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning with my doctor. I did reach m…Read More

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  • Yesterday I got 7500 steps in! By the time I woke up after night shift it was pretty late in the day! And honestly I made the active choice to not, it was either go on a walk or go on a date with my husband and I actively picked that bc that’s honestly what I wanted! I think it’s okay to to do that once in a while and we had the best time 💜

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  • Took a walk with the dogs this morning and started too late. We were 2 blocks from home when one dog just laid down in the shade and refused to get up. 🤣. So we took a rest in the shade and then proceeded home. Then had a fun day with my daughter seeing a play. Will get up earlier tomorrow so we get that walk in a little earlier.

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  • A lot of movement today and even though I had hit my steps I knew I still wanted and would benefit from an outdoor walk. Affirmation of the night: I give my body the rest it deserves. 😴

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  • I got a walk in this morning and then cleaned out my closet. I’ll be working on my office tomorrow. Decluttering is a good way to get extra steps.

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  • I had a great day today I started the day with a 2.5 mile walk with my husband.

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  • Got the majority of my steps in during my hike today. I took a more scenic path today and it was nice being alone for a bit.

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  • I was so worried about today. Was sure the steps would be hard. I forgot that my daughter’s swim banquet always features a DJ that specializes in kid’s parties. Between the conga line, musical chairs and the macarena I got my steps in!!!

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  • Happy Friday I got 2 walks I today to get me steps in and then had a great workout. I am looking forward to having another great on track weekend.

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  • Got my steps in, and had a good day with my protein. Overall it was a pretty productive day.

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  • Got all those steps in 💪🏼💪🏼

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  • After finishing work, really the last thing I wanted to do was go for a walk. But I unfortunately knew it was good for me 🤪

    Steps at 9,500 but it is only 5:30 pm and I need to do a bunch of stuff around the house so I’m sure I’ll hit my 12,000 goal before I go to bed! (Yes I am manifesting it)

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  • Post from yesterday bc last night at work I got super busy!

    In between shifts when on a long walk, ended up sprinkling which actually made the walk super fun! The last 5 mins of my walk turned into it downpouring!!! Soaked to the bone but a lil rain never hurt no body!

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  • Today is going to be a difficult one. I have work, then my daughter’s swim-a-thon, then a swim banquet. And a lot of times when I take her to swim, I walk the little track there, today that won’t be possible because I have to count her laps! So, I’ll need to be very intentional about getting up throughout the day to get my steps in. Eeks! At…Read More

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  • For the first time in a very long time, I did not get a walk in. I was under 4K steps today. Guess what, it’s okay. I’ll wake up and get some steps and sunlight. Goodnight everyone.

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  • Getting in the outdoor walk is a big focus this week! Happy to say I got it in today!!

    Side question for those also on Trainerize: is anyone else having an issue with MFP syncing? For almost two weeks now I’ve had to manually sync it any time I log/change anything! Even after disconnecting and reconnecting. It is driving me crazy.

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