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Key CollectiveOffline

    • Profile picture of Key Collective

      Key Collective posted in the group Calorie Deficit Challenge

      6 months, 4 weeks ago

      Hey everyone! We are excited to see everyone that has joined the challenge. We have pinned a post at the top of this page with all the challenge guidelines and getting started information.

      For getting started:
      – Calculate your macros for a deficit
      – Get started on a tracking app
      – Post your before and after pictures
      – Post your target protein in grams and calories.

      To earn points for the challenge:
      – hit within 100 calories of your target each day
      – hit within 10 grams of your protein goal each day
      – post your final macros at the end of each day
      – make posts and engage with others!

      For more details instructions please head over to the post pinned at the top of this page.

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