Mary Cowan
Will there be a 3 Day Split option next month?
We have a 3 day split available (labeled “Full Body Split”).
We will be uploading another 5 day & 4 day split today.
If you’d like a different 3 day split, let us know your input on what you are after and we can make it a priority to roll that out next!
We will also be continuing to roll out new plans.
I was looking for more of a push pull legs type thing.
The train with brad is a push pull legs. The 4 day will be Push, legs, Pull, Legs so you could also do that a skip the one leg day per week. Tons of options coming!
Sweet! Thanks 🙂
We have a 3 day split available (labeled “Full Body Split”).
We will be uploading another 5 day & 4 day split today.
If you’d like a different 3 day split, let us know your input on what you are after and we can make it a priority to roll that out next!
We will also be continuing to roll out new plans.