1 year ago
So I’m currently doing the four day split, which I love. I take a rest day Wednesdays but I typically still do cardio because if I don’t I won’t hit my steps. Drove through what felt like a hurricane to get here today but got it done! I started out telling myself I’d split it up today and do 15 minutes on the stairs and 15 minute on the elliptical, once I got to 15 I thought to my self dang might as well do 20… Ended up pushing to 30 and hit 103 floors! The first time I ever climbed 100 floors it took me damn near an hour so there’s my win today! I’d love to hear yours!
Love this Ally! Keep sharing the motivation. We should all strive to push ourselves a little harder each week/day.
Yes Ally!! Great Job. Love when you push your mind to do some extra. Gains Girl