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Michelle FiliaultOffline

    • Profile picture of Michelle Filiault

      Michelle Filiault

      1 year, 1 month ago

      First of all, I finally watched the call replay about macros and it was awesome! Thanks Brad! I can’t seem to find the PDF document of the 20 tips? Also, I feel like this is the most basic question, but how do I even begin to figure out how to break up my macros?

      Second, just an update as to my February goals. I was going to back to basics and becoming consistent. I have hit my water goal every day. I have tracked my food almost every day. I previously wasn’t paying attention to steps, mostly because I don’t have a watch that does so. My phone counts steps, but I wasn’t one to keep it on me at all times. I started keeping my phone with me and after watching for a couple of weeks, my goals is 7500 with a BAM of 6000. Hopefully I’ll be able to increase that next month! I am hitting that most days. Thanks all for the inspiration!

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      • First off, love the goals!

        Secondly, the list I read off is actually directly under the recording of the call. Let me know if you can’t see it for some reason. 🙂

      • And lastly, there was a video in the resources section about how to set your own macros for fat loss and for maintenance. From that point, you can also write me with any questions about where it says to put your numbers.!

        • Hmmm… I’m usually pretty good at finding things… where is the resource section? I did check under Nutrition and Articles and couldn’t find it?