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Kristi WendricksOffline

    • Profile picture of Kristi Wendricks

      Kristi Wendricks

      7 months, 3 weeks ago

      Legs tonight after work. I love to hate the bulgarian split squats, they’re a burner for sure. I leave Monday for a work trip. I’ll be gone the next 3 weeks, home on the weekends except for 1 trip is through a weekend. My typical breakfast is protein powder and a large handful of spinach. I have a travel blender that I take with me so I know for sure I’ll get some greens at least 1 meal. lLnch and dinner are out. Any tips for traveling I would appreciate it. There is a gym near the hotel that I will go to. Why not go to the hotel gym you say?? Well when in nowhere northern WI the hotels aren’t that fancy :). The food options for these weeks are pretty slim, small towns don’t have a ton of options.

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