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Ashleigh ClarkOffline

    • Profile picture of Ashleigh Clark

      Ashleigh Clark

      4 months, 3 weeks ago

      Good morning all, I am curious if anyone has got to a point in their health journey where they are at the point where they have lost a bit of hope and grit. Where you are eating decent, walking and also sober. Yet I have so much shame and lost on even where to begin to start to get back to feeling myself physically and esthetically. I’m so past my point of even knowing where to start because I feel like the scale keeps going up. I want to want it for myself. But my actions and behaviour aren’t reflecting my desires and wants for mysef. I am not sure why I can not drink alocohol and love myself enough to not drink and be sober 12 years yet not want to get back to the best health of my life. I did just land a knee injury which now will prevent me from curling ( for all you americans- it is a very competitive winter sport up here in Canada) for the rest of the season. That being said, I think I found my why……

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      • I’m sure someone here will have some good advice! I think it’s awesome that you recognize were you and sharing your frustrations! Feelings of frustration is probably common! Not quitting and remembering the why and imaging the results of the success has carried me through those times of self doubt and frustrations.

      • Honestly what helps me is taking small baby steps! Drink an extra glass of water, take 500 more steps, go for a 10 minute walk. When you’re only looking towards the finish line it can be very overwhelming! Don’t try to do everything at once! Small behavior changes add up to big change ♥️

      • Start today, start right now. focus on today. Thank you for sharing as that is the first step as sometimes ( I know for myself) it is hard to open up about the hard things. You are in the right group to find answers and to have a community to help you along the way. I agree with John Not quitting and remembering your why. There have been days i wanted to throw the towel in and go back to the old way, the easy way because not seeing results or life gets tough. The support of communities, and remembering my why gets me through those days. Be strong and take it one step at a time.

      • I can 💯 relate. I took my last drink of alcohol September 2nd 2023. I was never an alcoholic but when I did drink I couldn’t just have 1. I always got sloppy drunk and hated myself for doing it the next day. I was super super fit and very healthy and then fell off. I have to push myself everyday and do things that suck to try to get back to where I want to be. We will do this together. We have amazing support and definitely knowing your why will help get you to where you want to be. 🙌🏼💪🏼❤️ You got this girl!!!

      • I’m the same way with drinking..Trying my best not o stay clear of it